Market-based solution makes the case for blue carbon
Over 120 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent could be sequestered every year by 2050 by applying a market-based solution (MBS) to global fisheries that would allow fishers to decide whether – at certain times – it is more profitable to go fish or to remain at port.
New FCRR: Global Fisheries: Livelihood Impacts of Overfishing. Technical Report: November 30, 2022
This technical report supports what researchers have been saying for many years – we urgently need to rebuild overfished fish stocks in order to recoup the current economic and social benefits that are inescapable with current catch loss.
2021 World Ocean Day – Dr. Louise Teh
Thirty per cent of the world’s oceans cannot be closed without political will and without consideration of the economic toll doing so would take on many coastal communities.
2021 World Ocean Week – June 7-11
We asked ocean researchers from the IOF to envision how the target of protecting at least 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030 might be achieved.
Marine protected areas can improve both human well-being and biodiversity conservation, new study finds
Small MPAs had more positive well-being outcomes, while large MPAs are shown to be more ecologically effective.
Understanding the data about data: How metadatabases could improve Mexico’s ocean management
Analyzing this data can reveal knowledge trends and identify gaps for future research, and help stakeholders make the best choices for conserving Mexico’s oceans.
The impact of global, future change on the lives of Tonle Sap inhabitants
Researchers explored the vulnerabilities of Cambodian lake fishers by examining their livelihood activities and responses to different scenarios of future change.