Journal articles

Contributions of FERU members to peer-reviewed publications.

(June 20, 2013)  Abstract: West Africa was identified as one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change in previous global analyses. Adverse changes in marine resources under climate change may pose significant threats to the livelihoods and well-being of the communities and countries that depend on fisheries for food and income. However, quantitative studies on the potential […]  Read More >

(June 7, 2013)  Abstract: Ocean-based industries provide employment for nearly 30 % of the population in the North Coast region of British Columbia. Marine resource dependence has raised concerns about the possible economic impacts of a tanker spill along the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway shipping route, which would export 525,000 barrels (bbls) per day of oil, bitumen, and […]  Read More >

(March 5, 2013)  Abstract: The Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) is one of largest marine protected areas in the world. After its establishment in 1998 fishing rights in the GMR were given exclusively to local fishers and only small-scale fishing is permitted. As tourism is exponentially increasing in Galapagos and the two most important fisheries resources have almost collapsed, […]  Read More >

(August 13, 2012)  FERU member Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor developed an ecosystem model to explore current ecosystem and fishing dynamics in Baja California Sur, Mexico. (Photo courtesy of Tripadvisor)  Read More >

(July 18, 2012)  Abstract: Global marine fisheries are currently underperforming, largely due to overfishing. An analysis of global databases finds that resource rent net of subsidies from rebuilt world fisheries could increase from the current negative US$13 billion to positive US$54 billion per year, resulting in a net gain of US$600 to US$1,400 billion in present value over […]  Read More >

(June 3, 2012)  Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea, all part of a regional sub-group known as the Coral Triangle, have sizeable skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna fisheries. Recent figures suggest that as much as a third of tuna catch from the western and central Pacific Ocean can be attributed to the fleets of these countries. Historically, […]  Read More >

(March 30, 2012)  The study, published in the December 2011 issue of Fish and Fisheries, shows there are approximately 260 million marine fisheries jobs worldwide, a figure 1.75 times greater than previous estimates from the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Of those jobs, 50 million are directly related to fishing, including commercial, small-scale or artisanal operations. […]  Read More >

(February 17, 2012)  Abstract: Marine oil spills usually harm organisms at two interfaces: near the water surface and on shore. However, because of the depth of the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon well blowout, deeper parts of the Gulf of Mexico are likely impacted. We estimate the potential negative economic effects of this blowout and oil spill on commercial […]  Read More >

(December 29, 2011)  Abstract: Marine fisheries contribute to the global economy, from the catching of fish through to the provision of support services for the fishing industry. General lack of data and uncertainty about the level of employment in marine fisheries can lead to underestimation of fishing effort and hence over-exploited fisheries, or result in inaccurate projections of […]  Read More >

(November 21, 2011)  Abstract: Global marine fisheries are underperforming economically because of overfishing, pollution and habitat degradation. Added to these threats is the looming challenge of climate change. Observations, experiments and simulation models show that climate change would result in changes in primary productivity, shifts in distribution and changes in the potential yield of exploited marine species, resulting in […]  Read More >