Journal articles

Contributions of FERU members to peer-reviewed publications.

(January 27, 2014)  Attention has been given in recent years to the topic of international fisheries governance and the drivers of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Issues relating to Flag State responsibility and the use of ‘flags of convenience’ (FoCs) or ‘flags of non-compliance’ (FoNCs) have been prioritized by international organizations seeking solutions to the problems that […]  Read More >

(January 27, 2014)  As human civilization is becoming more aware of the negative impact our actions can inflict upon the natural world, the intensification of fossil fuel extraction and industrial development is being met with increasing opposition. In Western Canada, proposals that would increase the volume of petroleum transported by pipelines and by tankers through the coastal waters […]  Read More >

(January 27, 2014)  Following media exposure on the issue of seafood mislabeling in Ireland, results of repeated forensic testing of cod product labeling suggest that media attention played an important role in determining significant improvements in the supermarket retail sector, but had no detectable effect on “take-away” food services. Differences in the chains of production and in compliance […]  Read More >

(January 27, 2014)  Skates are widely consumed across the globe, but many large species are subject to considerable concern regarding their conservation and management. Within Europe such issues have recently driven policy changes so that, for the first time, reports of skate landings now have to be made under species-specific names. Total allowable catches have also been established […]  Read More >

(September 3, 2013)  Overfishing threatens coral reefs worldwide, yet there is no reliable estimate on the number of reef fishers globally. We address this data gap by quantifying the number of reef fishers on a global scale, using two approaches – the first estimates reef fishers as a proportion of the total number of marine fishers in a […]  Read More >

(September 3, 2013)  High human reliance on marine resources in developing countries is a challenge for implementing marine protected areas, which usually seek to limit or restrict fishing in selected areas. Fishers’ spatial preferences should be considered during the site selection process, but biodiversity considerations are generally the primary focus. The Protected Area Suitability Index (PASI) is a […]  Read More >

(September 3, 2013)  Individuals with high discount rates are likely not partial to conservation because they are unwilling to sacrifice short term benefits for potentially higher gains in the future.  Many reef fisheries worldwide are open access, and fishers under open access systems are theorized to discount the future at an infinite rate. In contrast, fishers in a […]  Read More >

(September 3, 2013)  The incentive to overexploit a fishery resource is thought to exist if the resource owner’s discount rate is sufficiently higher than the biological productivity of the targeted fish stock. Coral reef fisheries are extensively overexploited worldwide, but the discount rates of reef fishers are largely unknown, and there is little information about how discount rates […]  Read More >

(July 22, 2013)  Abstract: Tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean are among the most valuable resources in the region. These fisheries, worth an estimated $4.1 billion each year, play a pivotal role in supporting incomes and development goals in the region. However, due to the twin, and potentially inter-related effects of harmful fishing practices such […]  Read More >

(June 20, 2013)  Abstract: Amid declining shark populations because of overfishing, a burgeoning shark watching industry, already well established in some locations, generates benefits from shark protection. We compile reported economic benefits at shark watching locations and use a meta-analytical approach to estimate benefits at sites without available data. Results suggest that, globally, 590,000 shark watchers expend USD […]  Read More >