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Climate Change: Altering the Physics, Ecology, and Socioeconomics of Fisheries

Friday, February 18, 2011: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM 207B (Washington Convention Center ) Global climate change is altering the physical and chemical conditions of the ocean. This in turn affects marine ecosystems in ways that ultimately exacts a toll on fisheries and human well-being. To ensure sustainable marine fisheries well into the future, we need to […]

The State of the Ocean

INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE OCEAN, GREEN SHIPPING AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Apr 28-29, 2011 Location: Institut Oceanographique de Paris 195 Rue Saint-Jacques 75005 Paris OBJECTIVES: Interdisciplinary in nature, the symposium will provide an opportunity to reflect on the policy and strategic implications of growing integration between four systems of central importance for the sustainable development of […]