A new paper authored by OceanCanada investigator Megan Bailey and team examines the divergence of federal ocean policy and management from marine science over the past decade. In particular, the paper illustrates this widening gap in the following areas: failure to fully implement the Oceans Act, alterations to habitat protections historically afforded under Canada’s Fisheries Act, and lack of federal leadership on marine species at risk. Additionally, the capacity of the federal government to conduct and communicate ocean science has been eroded of late, and this situation poses a significant threat to current and future oceans public policy.
The paper the paper is available on the OceanCanada website.
For related OceanCanada news in the media, please see:
October 26. Ocean scientists call on Liberals to restore Fisheries Act, unmuzzle researchers. CBC.
October 18. The race to fish: how fishing subsidies are emptying our oceans. The Conversation.
October 16. Les océans mis à mal durant l’ère Harper, selon des scientifiques. Radio-Canada.
October 16. Canada’s ocean policy rapped. The Chronicle Herald.
August 22. Canada absent on climate change. Vancouver Sun.