ClimECO3 Summer Field School – July 23-28, 2012
Hosted by IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research) at Middle East University in Ankara, Turkey, the ClimECO3 summer field school will focus on the interface between marine ecosystem biogeochemistry, physical drivers, food webs and socio-economic systems; with lectures on modelling all of these system processes, as well as model coupling and Earth System models. […]
Dr. Rashid Sumaila speaks at Rio+20 Dialogue Days
Footage from the Oceans panel at Rio+20 Dialogue Days on June 19, 2012, is now available online. Click here to watch the video.
National Geographic: “Blue Jobs” Key to Future Fisheries
There are a lot of fish in the sea. But their numbers are no match for growing human appetites and the ultra-efficient fisheries that have sprung up to feed our hunger. A shift towards “blue job” fisheries is urgently needed, experts say, if the oceans are to nourish future generations as they have in the […]
Dr. Sumaila speaks with the CBC about Rio+20
Dr. Rashid Sumaila speaks about the importance of Rio+20 in the pursuit of international sustainable development, and his experiences at the Rio+20 Dialogues. Click here to listen to the podcast on The segment on Rio+20 begins at 16 minutes into the podcast.
"Blue Earth Summit" – Oceans Inc launches a new channel to broadcast about the ocean from the Rio+20 Earth Summit
A new multi-media channel launched on Friday (June 8th) in the run up to the Rio+20 Earth Summit. Providing rolling updates on ocean issues, the platform will begin broadcasting news coverage from Rio+20 on June 16th until the end of the Summit on the 22nd. Using interviews with experts attending the Summit, scientists and delegates, […]
Dr. Rashid Sumaila presents at Rio+20 Dialogue Days (June 16-19, 2012)
Dr. Rashid Sumaila, Director of the UBC Fisheries Centre and Fisheries Economics Research Unit, will be participating in the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Dialogues, happening June 16-19, 2012, in Rio de Janeiro. On June 19, Dr. Sumaila will be one of ten panelists presenting their work during the Oceans panel session. From 7 am-9:30 am on […]
Bailey, M., Flores, J., Pokajam, S., & Sumaila, U.R. 2012. Towards better management of Coral Triangle tuna. Ocean and Coastal Management 63: 30-42.
Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea, all part of a regional sub-group known as the Coral Triangle, have sizeable skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna fisheries. Recent figures suggest that as much as a third of tuna catch from the western and central Pacific Ocean can be attributed to the fleets of these countries. Historically, […]